Kuruman – Mmasepala wa Ga-Segonyana o latetse motlhala o o tlhomilweng ke mokgatlho wa lefatshe wa boitekanelo (WHO) wa go gopola letsatsi la bolwetsi jwa AIDS go kgabaganya lefatshe. Moletlo ono o ketekilwe ka fa tlase ga moano ‘Go lekalekanya, go tsenyeletsa le go fedisa AIDS’. Seno se kailwe se lebile mo maatleng a lerorborobo le nnileng nalo mo dikarolothoko tsa metse le metsana...
South Africa - South Africa and the world would have never known about President Cyril Ramaphosa’s alleged illicit financial mess if the millions of US dollars had not been stolen from his Phala Phala farm....
Mothibistadt – The Mayor of Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality Neo George Masegela and the Municipal Manager thereof, Martin Tsatsimpe officially opened the upgraded Mothibistad the said Closed Ground opened for public use with proper arrangement with the Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality...