Mr Livingstone Mzukisi Sakata matriculated at Loyiso High School in Port Elizabeth and went on to obtain his B Proc Degree from University Fort Hare. Mr Sekata started his legal career as an attorney at Millers Incorporated in George and went on to work for M.M Beukes Attorneys in Queenstown, Millers Incorporated in George. He later worked as a legal representative at Heath Special Investigating Unit in East London from 1990 to 1999. He joined the NPA in 1999 as Senior Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions with additional responsibilities as a provincial co-ordinator of the Organised Crime Component.
An attorney by profession, Mr Sakata rose through the ranks in the NPA up to Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions (DDPP) until he was appointed Acting Director of Public Prosecution, Eastern Cape Division in February 2020. He is also responsible for civil litigation matters in the DDPP Port Elizabeth office jurisdiction. Mr Sakata’s duties include amongst others supervising, directing and coordinating the work and activities of the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and lower court prosecutors. This includes matters of policy and law research, guidance to prosecutors on major projects, instituting and conducting criminal proceedings in any court. He has extensive knowledge in the area of organised crime and lectured on a number of workshops on the Prevention of Organised Crime Act (POCA).
Sakata made conference presentations on the Controlled Deliveries Conference in Shanghai, China. APA Conference in Cape Verde Islands. He was also a delegate of a study tour to Brazil on fighting Gangs and Organised and has presented papers on organised crime at the Justice College.