Kathu - It is reported that breast cancer is one of the most common cancers amongst woman in south African and almost one in every 25 woman are li9kely to be diagnosed in their lifetime. Senior mammography at the keystone medical, Magda Kriek said the reason they spend three weeks at Kathu Heritage mall, as early cancer detention yon save lives and leads to better treatment options and outcomes. She said a mammography is specialised imaging that uses low dose. X rays to evaluate the internal structure of the breast. Kriek added that mammography is the most important method is early detection of breast cancer. “We offer mammography to woman over the age of 40years and ultrasound to woman under the age of 40.” She continued that more woman have made appointment and everything was going perfectly. Asked if they have detected any case during their time in Kathu, Kriek responded. ‘You can’t say women are not at risk or they are fine, any woman is at risk of breast cancer because you are a woman, if you are a woman you must do mammography, woman must not die from breast cancer anymore, we got this wonderful opportunity to do this screening, to pick it up early, and treat the patient, and can happily live for a long time, live to their 80’s.” Said Kriek. She continued to say there is always a fear of what the procedure is about but thanks goodness the technology have improved tremendously and also the technic of doing mammography. She added that their receptionist Jessie Chetty always explain to patients that it is really not painful anymore like in the olden days. Kriek continued to say that the other fear for woman is the outcome of the result, but unfortunately there is nothing that women can do but rather try to obviously explain everything and make them comfortable. Keystone medical is currently running a campaign dubbed #screenhersaveher.